The Art of Story Telling: A Review

The Art of Storytelling: Easy Steps to Presenting an Unforgettable Story by John Walsh
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Telling the old, old story.

There’s an old hymn written by Fanny Crosby that says, “Tell me the story of Jesus; write on my heart every word. Tell me the story most precious, Sweetest that ever was heard.” The story is ageless, yet sometimes one that seems difficult to tell.

In The Art of Storytelling: Easy Steps to Presenting an Unforgettable Story, John Walsh takes the reader through the steps of becoming a good story teller. Written with a Christian audience in mind, the book reads like a textbook because it walks you step-by-step through the process of story telling.

Walsh tells how he became a preacher and a story teller in spite of being a stutterer. He admits still struggling with stuttering in normal conversation but not while preaching or story telling. Walsh takes the reader through the entire process of a story from finding or writing the story, to developing the story, even down to the details of what the story teller should do with his (or her) hands.

While written for a Christian audience, the practical advice Walsh gives would translate into any story telling setting.

Walsh believes that teenagers tend to drift away from church because that’s when the story telling stops in Sunday school and church. He says that today, more and more preachers and teachers are learning that adults also comprehend best through story telling.

The book is an easy read and provides practical examples and exercises for the aspiring story teller.

Disclaimer: I was provided a copy of this book by Story Cartel for the purposes of this review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

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BibleChristianityReviewThe Art of Story Telling