The Disharmonic Convergence of September


The planets aren’t aligning, but everything on my calendar is.

It’s Saturday morning of Labor Day weekend, the last day of August 2013. This time last week I was still on the beach.

This morning however, I’m racing to hit a writing deadline, leaving here in half an hour for a meeting, going to a concert this afternoon, reviewing music for Sunday morning. I’d like to watch the Virginia Tech/Alabama game tonight. (Admittedly, I may feel differently after the game begins).

Don’t even ask me about the yard.

A few minutes ago I got excited about a casting call. You don’t see that many calls for overweight, white men in their 50s, and this one paid really well. Unfortunately both the audition date and the shoot date conflict with my “real” job.

Meanwhile, we get back into the habit of homeschool next week, there’s the choir end of summer get back to practice pot luck, the kickoff for Glorious Christmas Nights and a neighborhood picnic.

And the election. Heaven help us. The election.

You get the picture.

It’s September. Well, it will be tomorrow.

I’m not whining. This happens every year. I just take a deep breath and get going. And remember that Beach Week 2014 is only 351 days away.

I’d say it’s just time to hit the ground running, except I don’t run. Well, not yet anyway. I’m down 20 lbs. from the spring but still not down enough to start pounding the pavement.

While I always hate to say goodbye to Summer, I’m ready for Fall. I’m ready for the challenges. I’ve got a new writing plan, a new fitness plan, a new reading plan.

I might actually accomplish some of them.

Right now, I have to leave for a meeting.
