The time has come. Pay me what I’m worth.

Heather Lloyd-Martin offers some great advice for freelance writers.

If you find yourself begging to be paid $50 for a 500 word post, you need to change your marketing process, pronto.

via Quit getting paid peanuts: 10 tips for freelance writers » SEO Copywriting.

It’s time I paid attention. And it’s time I was paid for what I was worth.

I’ve often scoffed at the ads that say “no pay yet, but we’re growing” or “this will give you great exposure.”

I’m 55, spatially challenged, and I’ve been writing for decades. I can expose myself, thankyouverymuch.

Granted, some self-promotion won’t hurt.

But, here’s the deal. If I’m going to make it as a writer, and I am, then I have to start getting paid quality prices for quality work.

In other words, the rates are going up. They simply have to to balance our transportation needs.

Sorry, that’s a side issue.

I won’t abandon the clients I have now. They’ve been loyal and consistent. But I’ve built that portfolio. I’ve got that experience.

And, if no one else will say it, I will. I’m good at what I do. And I can make you look good at what you do.

Some will say “Writing is easy,” or “Anyone can write.”

No, it’s not. And no, they can’t.

Okay, maybe anyone can write. But not everyone can write well.

That’s why I’m here. And that’s why you need to hire me for your next job.

FreelanceRatesSEO WritingWriting and Business