On Not Being Superman

My family and I saw the trailer for the new Superman this past weekend. It looks like a great movie.

And it’s a lead in for this post I’ve been drafting in my head for some time now.

I’m not Superman. Darn it.

I can’t do it all.

I work a full time job. It’s not my favorite thing to do but it pays the bills, provides the benefits and I just can’t quit yet. At night I write and act. I’m also actively involved in the music and fine arts ministry at church.

Combine that all with the fact that I’ve been planning to complete my novel this summer, complete my course work at the Christian Counseling and Training Center and blog Ken Cuccinelli, E.W. Jackson and Mark Obenshain into office.

But, something’s gotta give. There simply aren’t enough hours in the day to get it all done.

So, we regroup.

In one of the strange things that I consider a gift from my cancer experience I have sort of a sixth sense when I’m getting bogged down, or bordering depression (which I fought for quite a while after the cancer). I’m not depressed right now. But I’m bogged down.

I’ve made some decisions.

I wrote a few weeks ago about why I wasn’t going to the GOP convention. The bottom line is I’m just tired of politics. Reality is I don’t know that any of my online activism has really helped. Former Governor Kilgore and President Romney might disagree.

If I’m going to be a serious writer, I need to do serious writing. For jobs that actually pay. I’ve got several and am gradually picking up more.

No more regurgitating the campaign press releases. I’m going cold turkey with politics. At least for now. No more blog posts, no more Facebook posts. Sure, I may occasionally like something or share an article. But it won’t be part of my agenda.

I’m also getting ready to drop the final class/practicum for the training program. It’s this summer, it’s more expensive than I can currently afford and it conflicts with rehearsals for my current show.

Did I mention I’m in rehearsals for my third show since February?

In some ways it’s a little humbling to admit that I can’t work and act and write and minister and blog and study all at the same time. We didn’t even get to discuss the art and design.

But, more than humbling, there’s a recognition that this is a dose of sanity.

ActingArtWriting and Business