If you watch nothing else today…

If you watch nothing else today…

Watch this video.

This is not a left vs. right issue. It is not Democrat vs. Republican. It is not liberal vs. conservative.

It is an American issue.

True, the current violators are part of a Democratic Administration. One that we warned you repeatedly would be a disaster. And we have been proven right over and over and over again.

But while I suspect the White House is butt deep in the IRS targeting of conservative groups I am under no delusions that this is exclusively a Democratic issue.

The federal government is corrupt. Washington is broken. Perhaps beyond repair.

I don’t trust any of them.

We can’t fix it all overnight. But we can start with the IRS.

It must be abolished. Sooner rather than later. Then we can turn to the Fair Tax or the Flat Tax. It would work.

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas agrees. In an interview with Fox News he said, “Look, we have seen in recent weeks that the IRS has not honored its trust with the American people; that the Obama administration has demonstrated a willingness to use the machinery of government to target their political enemies. That is wrong. It was wrong when Richard Nixon did it and it was wrong when Barack Obama did it. It’s a manifestation of too much power in the federal government. When the federal government has that much power in individual lives, it’s an invitation to be abused.” [H/T United Liberty]

It’s time.

Abolish the IRS. Today.

Click the pic to order your sticker and be scheduled for your own personal IRS colonoscopy.

H/T Leland Conway

Barack ObamaGovernment CorruptionIRSScandalTed Cruz