More or Less: Five Months In

Well, this post is going to be ugly.

It’s been five months since I listed this years’ More or Less. And four months since I posted my first update.

Almost halfway through the year, how am I doing?

Worship more: Truth be told, I’ve been a little regressive here.  Exhaustion and illness kept us home on Easter Sunday, travel on Mother’s Day weekend kept us out.  And I’ve missed a couple of other times, again due to travel and illness.

Those may just be excuses, but I’ve been burning the candle at both ends and that has taken its toll on my immune system.

Pray more: There still needs to be quiet, focused times.  I mean well, but I get easily distracted or find it too hard to get up in the morning, or the house isn’t quiet.

Read more:  I’m working on it.  I’ve got four books in progress.  Another two to review. I just this week finished reviewing a friend’s book that’s going to be shopped out to publisher’s this summer.  I read when I can.  I want to read more.

Celebrate more: Not so much.  But it’s summer.

Work less: Sigh…iI wish.  It seems with the shows I’ve been in, writing pressures and the regular 40 hour work week, I’m working more.

Play more: Again, it’s summer.  So hopefully more time to play.

Eat less: I’ve actually done pretty good in this area.  I’m even down a few pounds.  I’ve gone basically sugar-free, with a couple of exceptions since early April.  I’m not missing it…most of the time.

Exercise more: I walk when I can and when the weather allows. I’ve been on and off about going to the Y to swim.  Some is just scheduling.  But a couple of minor illnesses and infections have kept me out of the pool.

Write more: I’m writing more. I’m not writing more novel. That has to change.

Create more: Yes and no. I’m drawing some, and I’m doing a lot of graphic work.  I still want to paint.  At the same time, I’ve had the amazing opportunity to be a part of two great shows at CAT Theatre with And Then There Were None and Play On!  And, right now I’m in rehearsals for Footloose at Dogwood Dell later this summer.

Spend less: Elective spending yes. But sometimes the necessities get in the way of trying to be more frugal.

Give more: We’re trying. We can do better.

It almost seems like I’ve regressed since February.  Maybe I just need to re-focus, readjust and reassess.

Summer is a good time to do that.

2013Check UpMore or Less. Goals