Y’all worship the King. We’ll just listen.

There’s a lot of truth in this.

David Murrow writes at Church for Men.

But the negatives are huge. Men are doers, and singing was one of the things we used to do together in church. It was a chance to participate. Now, with congregational singing going away, and communion no longer a weekly ordinance, there’s only one avenue left for men to participate in the service – the offering. Is this really the message we want to send to men? Sit there, be quiet, and enjoy the show. And don’t forget to give us money.

Read more via Why men have stopped singing in church.

We’ve lost something while trying to be relevant.

It doesn’t have to be all about hymns.  Although reality is we’ve lost a lot of great theology and teaching by tossing they hymnal.  But if a song can’t be sung by the congregation, where’s the worship in that?

ChurchFaith and FamilyWorship. Hymns