365 Things I Believe: His Holy Temple


The British settlers who founded Jamestown arrived at Cape Henry, Virginia on April 26, 1607. They placed a rough hewn cross into the ground and their spiritual leader, Reverend Robert Hunt gathered the setters and offered this invocation. “The Lord is in His Holy Temple; Let all the earth keep silence before Him.” Habakkuk 2:20.

At the beginning and end of each day, Hunt would lead the people in this prayer:

Almighty God, … we beseech Thee to bless us and this plantation which we and our nation have begun in Thy fear and for Thy glory … and seeing, Lord, the highest end of our plantation here is to set up the standard and display the banner of Jesus Christ, even here where Satan’s throne is, Lord, let our labour be blessed in labouring for the conversion of the heathen. … Lord, sanctify our spirits and give us holy hearts, that so we may be Thy instruments in this most glorious work.

Let those who wish to argue that this nation was not founded on Christian principles do so. But history tells us the undenialbe truth that those who came to settle here knew their creator, their provider and their redeemer.

365 Things I Believe is a revisioning of a year long web project. I initially launched the blog 365 Things I Believe because I think there are important things I have to say. There are eternal truths that are non-debatable, although I realize they’re not universally accepted.

So for a year I did a daily post of one thing I believe to be an indisputable truth. I’m relaunching here at The Write Side of My Brain and will continue through the next year to re-post (mostly) from the original project.

This time graphics and commentary are included. You can buy today’s print here.

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