I Cannot Tell a Lie: Today is Not George Washington’s Birthday

Painting depicting Parson Weems and his famous story of George Washington and the Cherry Tree. Amon Carter Museum. This work is in the public domain. Parson Weems included the story of Washington and the cherry tree in his work The Life of Washington.

Contrary to what public education may be teaching our children, all famous people are not born on Monday. Today is not George Washington’s birthday. George Washington was not born on February 18.

America’s first President, George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland County, Virginia. He died at Mount Vernon, Virginia December 14, 1799.

Washington’s birthday, February 22 was implemented as a federal holiday for government offices in the District of Columbia in 1879. That was expanded in 1885 to include all federal offices.

In 1971 the Uniform Monday Holiday Act amended federal holidays to establish that certain holidays would be observed on Mondays. The act established the following days as Monday holidays.

Washington’s Birthday: third Monday in February (formerly February 22)

Memorial Day: last Monday in May (formerly May 30)

Columbus Day: second Monday in October (formerly observed on October 12)

Veterans Day: fourth Monday in October

In 1978, Veteran’s Day was moved back to November 11.

Because of the proximity to Abraham Lincoln’s birthday on February 12, the third Monday of February has become commonly called “President’s Day.”

Ironically, Richard Nixon, the only President to resign rather than face impeachment, was apparently the first to use the term “President’s Day” to honor all Presidents.

Abraham LincolnGeorge WashingtonHolidaysPresident's DayRichard Nixon