Sometimes you just gotta sing the blehs

Not to make too much of it, but I got off schedule over the weekend. I’d been off schedule with swimming at the Y due to a minor foot injury that’s almost healed. But since late last week I’ve been attempting to avoid the plague…like the plague.

No, I didn’t get a flu shot. But this isn’t the flu.

Still, it threw me off schedule, with writing, with exercise, with reading.

And when this happens, it takes me a while to get my mindset readjusted and get back on track. It’s sort of a gift that I think God gave me a long time ago when I was dealing with the after effects of cancer surgery and treatment.

Sometimes I just need to stop and let go.

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
Psalm 46:10

I’m not still enough. And when I’m not life gets off balance. Too many voices crowd in, too many demands. Many of which I’ve placed on myself.

So, we get quiet. We remember that He is God. He is in control.

He’s got this.

Even when I’ve got the blehs.

Faith and FamilyHealthLifeSchedule