Three Books in 2013: Variations on a Theme

Back in November, Chris Brogan issued a challenge for the Three Book Diet.

Here’s the challenge:

Select three books as the only books (outside of school work or otherwise “assigned” work) that you will read for an entire year (from November 1, 2012 until November 1, 2013).

I was intrigued by the idea, but as I’ve said, I’m actually trying to read more books.

I’m modifying the Three Book Diet a bit and staring on January 1, 2013. I’ll still be putting together a list of books I want to read in 2013, but for the Three Book Diet, I’m going with three books of the Bible.

For the past few years, I’ve attempted to read the Bible from cover to cover in a year. I’ll be finishing up the Good News Bible on December 31, 2012. But, while the reading is good, it’s not always the best for comprehending, for understanding for study. So, for the challenge, I’ve selected three books from the Bible that I’ll read and study in 2013. Along the way I’ll most certainly read other passages, and I’m looking forward to reading through The Story by Max Lucado and Randy Frazee, a delightful Christmas gift from my Amazon Wish List (it worked! it really worked!)

For the challenge, I’ve selected these three books:

Old Testament: The Book of Daniel
Scholars may disagree on their interpretations of Daniel, but we certainly could use deliverance from the lion’s den.

Gospels: The Book of John

Epistles: The Book of Romans

So, my intent is to read each of the books multiple times as well as commentary and other resources. Along the way I’ll be sharing my reflections both here and at Richmond Bible Examiner.

What about you? How will you read the Scriptures in 2013?

2013Bible StudyReading