A little inspiration for staring a new week.

I talked a couple of weeks ago about my need to reboot.  I’ve gotten off schedule with the exercise and the eating plan, and I need to get back in gear.  It hasn’t happened yet.  You don’t need my list of excuses, of which there are many.  Just know that I’m trying again.  This article from Ask Men is inspiring me.

In a country where over 60% of its population is considered overweight or obese, it seems as if we are falling away from the basics. We need an attitude shift if we ever want to see these numbers change, and it happens one American at a time. The fast food bags and soda bottles that once littered the floor of my car are now replaced with a gym bag containing my running shoes, bottle of water, earphones and a sweat towel. I’m an active participant in my office’s Biggest Loser Competition and I am a force to be reckoned with. I can jog five miles without stopping. I can pass by the McDonald’s near the office and pick up a filling grilled chicken salad for lunch. My attitude has completely changed and I can testify that when the attitude changes, the body changes.

Read more via Weight Loss Success Story – AskMen.

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