People we love: Jerry Falwell

Jerry Lamon Falwell, Sr., August 11, 1933 – May 15, 2007

Yes, you heard that. We love(d) Jerry Falwell.

Jerry Falwell was an evangelical Southern Baptist pastor and an outspoken political commentator. He was the founding pastor of Thomas Road Baptist Church and the founder of Liberty University, both located in Lynchburg, Virginia.

Falwell was controversial because he stood up for what he believed. I may not always have agreed with him, although I probably did more than I didn’t. But he never shied away from what he believed to be right and what he believed to be the truth.

I grew up seeing Falwell on Sunday mornings broadcasting from Lynchburg. In his later years I had the opportunity to hear him speak at a Promise Keepers rally in Lynchburg.

Jerry Falwell died on May 15, 2007.

Born on this DayJerry FalwellLiberty UniversityPeople we love