365 Things I Believe: Anger

It’s not that I don’t have opinions. I certainly do. You can’t read here and not know that. And it’s not that I don’t get riled up over certain issues.

But reality is that I’ve mellowed.

I remember being devastated lover losing the first campaign I work on. After all, we were “right.” But now, almost 30 years later, I know that campaigns and politics run in cycles. I know that people can have different views and still share my faith. I know that right doesn’t always win in politics.

Knowing that isn’t going to keep me from fighting for what is right. It’s more of an understanding that life is a long process.

Sometimes your issues win. Sometimes your issues lose. There’s a Carol King song in there somewhere.

But, my faith tells me that I know how the story ends. I know God is in control. So even when things don’t turn out the way I think they should, I don’t need to spend time and energy getting angry about it.

I believe this.

365 Things I Believe is a revisioning of a year long web project. I initially launched the blog 365 Things I Believe because I think there are important things I have to say. There are eternal truths that are non-debatable, although I realize they’re not universally accepted.

So for a year I did a daily post of one thing I believe to be an indisputable truth. I’m relaunching here at The Write Side of My Brain and will continue through the next year to re-post (mostly) from the original project.

This time graphics and commentary are included. You can buy today’s print here. And, by the end of a year, if not sooner, you’ll be able to purchase the entire series in ebook format.

365thingsbelieveangerFaith and Family