365 Things I Believe: Boycotting Boycotts

Boycotts. I just don’t do them.

Sure, boycotts can be and have been effective. But when I’m getting daily emails or notices on Facebook or Twitter about all the products or causes or events I should avoid, I just get a little weary.

I may not go out of my way to see a particular performer. But I’m not going to avoide a movie I’ve been wanting to see or a performance by a particular artist just because of their politics.

I just don’t have time to keep up with the list of everyone I’m supposed to hate. It’s not worth my energy.

I believe this.

365 Things I Believe is a revisioning of a year long web project. I initially launched the blog 365 Things I Believe because I think there are important things I have to say. There are eternal truths that are non-debatable, although I realize they’re not universally accepted.

So for a year I did a daily post of one thing I believe to be an indisputable truth. I’m relaunching here at The Write Side of My Brain and will continue through the next year to re-post (mostly) from the original project.

This time graphics and commentary are included. You can buy today’s print here. And, by the end of a year, if not sooner, you’ll be able to purchase the entire series in ebook format.

365thingsibelieveboycottsInspirationNews and Politics