People we love: Mary Wickes

Mary Wickes, June 13, 1910 – October 22, 1995

I think I loved Mary Wickes in anything I ever saw her in. Whether it was White Christmas as the well-meaning but eavesdropping housekeeper, or Sister Act as Sister Mary Lazarus replaced as choir director by Whoopi Goldberg. Perhaps one of my favorites roles was as the voice of Lavern the Gargoyle in Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

A great comedic talent, she was also a great dramatic actress, in 1942 in one of her earliest screen appearances she played Nurse Preen in The Man Who Came to Dinner, reprising her stage role.

Through the years we saw her in movies and on TV in such showes as The Doris Day Show, M*A*S*H, The Love Boat and here in the role of Madame Lamond giving a ballet lesson to her longtime friend Lucille Ball.

Born on this DayMary WickesPeople we love