Why I wish I didn’t care

As things continue to heat up in the 2012 Presidential Race and as emotions are stirred in the Virginia General Assembly, I’ve been astounded by some of the arguments from the left. Astounded, and disgusted.

Politics is an ugly business. It wasn’t where I set out to be when I graduated from college over 30 years ago. But through no design of my own, since early 1981 I’ve been employed soley in policy organizations, campaigns or government. Sometimes, I want out.

I mean sometimes I really want out. So much so that I’ve got a countdown clock to the day I can retire and do something else. Of course that something else I want to do is writing, and that writing will likely include writing about policy and politics.

It’s like Gandalf said in Balin’s Tomb, “We cannot escape…”

My Bearing Drift friend Jim Hoeft has a great column in today’s Daily Press that explains why he’s a cynic.

Jim says, “I don’t mean to be so cynical about this process, but when educators could care less about educating children, abortionists ignore their own invasive procedure and accuse conservatives of something vile, and Senate Democrats aren’t worried about the actual budget but more about a quid pro quo for power, it’s enough to make you cynical.”

Exactly Jim. It’s enough to make me want to walk away.

But something within me just won’t let that happen.

I believe in this country. I believe in our freedoms. I believe in the vision of our founding fathers.

And I believe they’re still worth fighting for.

As a follower of Jesus I sometimes wonder if I’m in the wrong arena. I mean, try as the relgious left might to spin it otherwise, Jesus was not a political figure. He was certainly radical. He certainly brought a message of change. But all we really get from the New Testament is pay your taxes and pray for those in authority.

And we know what the government of the day did to Jesus.

I often have to remind myself how rich we are in the United States. Even the poorest Americans are rich compared to world standards. And I have to remind myself that we’re not really being persecuted. Not yet. And not that I don’t think it’s coming. While I think that American society is becoming increasingly antagonistic toward Christianity, so far, we’re still free to worship as we see fit.

Still, there is no question that our freedoms are eroding. There’s no question that we have a pro-death cluture that applauds the slaughter of 50 million babies since the Roe v. Wade decision. There’s no question that our government has grown, and continues to grow, into far more than was ever intended.

I am secure enough in my faith to believe a few things about our nation and our culture.

First of all, God is in control, even when the times appear the darkest. Second, while I’m no end times scholar, I see no real role for the United States in the Book of Revelation. And third, America’s time as a “Shining City on a Hill” may be waning. Yet in many parts of the world, the Church is thriving.

All of this challenges me to rethink my views of the church and of my faith as I have known it historically. True Christianity may look radically different than my background might suggest.

So how does that mesh with politics? It’s difficult.

While my world view is changing and while I see the Gospel taking shape in different forms and traditions, I am still compelled to fight for the country that I love. To fight for the truth.

You see, all truth comes from God. The truth that is inherent in our freedoms and beliefs as a nation come from God. Regardless of the argument of whether America is a “Christian nation” or not, the principles on which our country was founded are God’s principles.

And while we can, they’re still worth fighting for.

Faith and FamilyNews and Politics