While everyone’s obsessing over Santorum actually believing what his Church teaches…

Is anyone paying attention to what else is going on?

First, here’s what Santorum actually said about contraceptives:

“My position is birth control can and should be available…My personal position is well known, obviously well known,” he said. “As a Catholic – and I do my best to be a faithful Catholic – my wife and I we don’t believe or practice birth control as an article of faith of our church.” CNN

For you Virginians, isn’t that basically what Tim Kaine said about the death penalty in 2005? Pretty much:

Kaine has repeatedly said that, while religious convictions lead him personally to oppose the death penalty, as governor he would follow the law and would exercise his clemency powers sparingly.. The Roanoke Times.

Where are all the people who cried out “How dare he attack Kaine for being Catholic?”


But while you were being distracted, this was also happening:

The failed Obama stimulus turned three.

The Wall Street Journal announced that the U.S. and Afghans are in talks with the Taliban.

What happened to the America that didn’t negotiate with terrorists?

Also, Congress Extended the Payroll Tax Cuts, but they still don’t know how to pay for it.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was criticized for Having flags lowered for Whitney Houston’s funeral, but maybe that was to deflect criticism for vetoing gay marriage. Of course, he’d already promised to do that.

Closer to home, Lt. Governor Bill Bolling broke a 20-20 tie in the evenly divided chamber to back tax credits for corporations that contribute to scholarships for low- and middle-income students to attend private schools.. Richmond Times Dispatch.

Now that I’ve told you what’s really going on, go get back to your Saturday.

AfghanistanBill BollingCatholicChris ChristieRick SantorumSchool ChoiceWhitney Houston