Friday Round Up

If you read this, you’ll be smarter this weekend.

Obama announces full withdrawal from Iraq
USA Today

President Obama confirmed plans to have all U.S. troops out of Iraq by Jan. 1, formally ending the war that began more than eight-and-a-half years ago and has taken more than 4,400 American lives.

WaPo fact checks Biden on rape, murder claims for jobs bill

The Veep “should know better than to spout off half-baked facts in service of a dubious argument”? Hey, that’s Joe Biden’s entire life.

Marco Rubio hits back
Jennifer Rubin, The Washington Post

If this is the best they have on Rubio, he’s in no peril whatsoever. To the contrary, Rubio, having gone through a mainstream press attack, will likely endear himself to an even greater degree to the conservative base. If there’s one thing that all conservatives can agree on, it is their loathing of mainstream media.

Obama stimulus cash goes to foreign workers
Conn Carroll, Washington Examiner

A Labor Department Inspector General report released this week found that $7,140,782 in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds went to four Oregon forestry services firms who hired no U.S. workers.

Born On This Day
1772 – Samuel Taylor Coleridge, British poet (d. 1834)
1917 – Dizzy Gillespie, American jazz musician (d. 1993)
1949 – Benjamin Netanyahu, 9th Prime Minister of Israel
1952 – Patti Davis, American actress and novelist, daughter of Ronald Reagan
1955 – Dick DeVos, American businessman
1955 – Rich Mullins, American musician (d. 1997)
1956 – Carrie Fisher, American actress and writer

Born on this DayFriday Round UpIraqNewsObamaWeekend