Thursday Round Up

Read this quick. The weekend’s coming.

Jobs plan: Agreeing with Cantor
Richmond Times-Dispatch

When the White House released the initiative, Cantor indicated that he supported aspects of the plan although he opposed passing it in its entirety. His approach reflected political prudence. It was not, as shrill voices claimed, an exercise in partisan obstruction.

Buffett’s Billion-Dollar Tax Hypocrisy
Bill Wilson,

So, on one hand Buffett advocates for paying more taxes, but when it comes to his own company’s taxes, he has gone through great lengths to pay less. That’s rich.

FARAGO: Gunwalker is only the tip of a scandal iceberg
The Washington Times
For one thing, the ATF didn’t “lose” some 2,000 firearms to Mexican gun smugglers. The bureau intentionally allowed firearms to “walk” from U.S. gun stores to members of the Sinaloa drug cartel. For another, Fast and Furious is only one spoke in an entire wheel of extralegal intrigue.

Solyndra funder Kaiser paid zero taxes for years
The Washington Examiner

Because Kaiser was a campaign “bundler” – an individual who collects contributions to a candidate from others that are then simultaneously given to the candidate – who raised about $250,000 for Obama during the 2008 campaign, congressional Republicans and media analysts have speculated that the Solyndra loan guarantee was nothing more than using tax dollars to reward a political supporter.

Young Evangelicals Resist a “Politicized” Faith
Kristin Rudolph, The Institute on Religion and Democracy

The evangelical movement become “politicized” through prominent figures such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, but “younger evangelicals do not want to repeat the Falwell and Robertson years,” Moore said. “They are very suspicious of a politicized Christianity,” and are searching for a more nuanced approach to political issues.

Born On This Day
1921 – Yves Montand, Italian singer and actor (d. 1991)
1925 – Lenny Bruce, American comedian (d. 1966)
1925 – Margaret Thatcher, English politician
1942 – Jerry Jones, American football team owner
1959 – Marie Osmond, American entertainer
1960 – Ari Fleischer, American White House press secretary to George W. Bush
1969 – Nancy Kerrigan, American figure skater
1970 – Paul Potts, British opera singer

Barack ObamaBlackberryEric CantorFast and FuriousNewsRound UpThursday