Tuesday Round Up

You should read this stuff.

Reverse Racism
Thomas Sowell, Townhall.com

Among those who have been disappointed by President Barack Obama, none is likely to end up so painfully disappointed as those who saw his election as being, in itself and in its consequences, a movement toward a “post-racial society.”

The story behind Metallica’s Virginia Tech-themed introduction before the Miami game
The Washington Post

Before Saturday’s 38-35 win over Miami, the sellout crowd burst into a bigger frenzy than usual when the four members of Metallica appeared on the Lane Stadium scoreboard with a special Virginia Tech-themed introduction before the song began.

In which the Radtke campaign goes gonzo
Bearing Drift

Or the campaign has gone full gonzo. And as Hunter S. Thompson told us: “There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge.”

An illustrated guide: The homes Kamp Alinsky Kids won’t protest
Michelle Malkin

You knew it was coming. The Kamp Alinsky Kids are taking a sight-seeing tour today. After a month of trashing Zuccotti Park at a public cost of $2 million per day, the riff-raff is marching uptown to occupy…wealthy people’s private homes.

Obama Is Occupying America
David Limbaugh, Townhall.com

From day one, Obama has been savaging George W. Bush for bequeathing him “the worst economy since the Great Depression.” But he hasn’t scapegoated Bush alone. He also impugned “fat cat bankers” on Wall Street and other evil corporations for “creating the mess” and for being its primary beneficiaries while everyone else was hurting. Conveniently, he didn’t point his accusing finger at the real culprit, the liberal affordable housing policy that he supported.

In which, my personal beliefs about Mormonism are stated more eloquently than could I:

Is Mormonism a Cult or a Christian Denomination?
Timoty Tennent, Asbury Theological Seminary

At root, Mormonism is about a man becoming God; Christianity is about God becoming a man. Thus, Mormonism has, quite rightly, not been considered a Christian movement.

That said, we’re not electing a pastor, we’re electing a president. I have severe reservations about Romney as a candidate, but they’re not because he’s Mormon.

Born On This Day
1821 – George Williams, English founder of the YMCA (d. 1905)
1884 – Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States and humanitarian (d. 1962)
1912 – Betty Noyes, singer who dubbed Debbie Reynolds’ singing voice in Singin’ in the Rain (d. 1987)
1918 – Jerome Robbins, American choreographer (d. 1998)
1932 – Dottie West, American singer (d. 1991)

Barack ObamaMitt RomneyNewsRound UpTuesdayVirginia Tech