The Books on My Shelf

I don’t read nearly as much as I’d like to. It seems that I’m always meaning to log off the computer to read myself to sleep. But there’s always one more website to check, one more email to answer, one more move in “Words with Friends.”

I’m trying to cut down on the online time however. It’s a bit difficult managing all the social networks. Someone always needs a response. But winter is coming and I want to make my Goodreads goal of reading 24 books (two per month) in 2011. I am woefully behind.

But tonight I just finished another. It was “The Runes of the Earth” by Stephen R. Donaldson. This is a continuation of Donaldson’s Thomas Covenant Chronicles that I read some 25 years ago. And I’m not really up to date with this book either. It was published in 2004. There are at least two more books to complete the series. I’ll get there.

But, based on finishing Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
by Eric Metaxas earlier this year, I’ve picked up my copy of The Cost of Discipleship
and will be starting that just as soon as I finish this post. I’m giving myself the week to get through it. Although it’s likely I’ll spend more time making notes along the way. That could slow me down. But I’ll try. My review of Bonhoeffer is over at my Richmond Bible Examiner page.

Reading is important to me for several reasons. First, I enjoy it. I love biographies and history, science fiction and fantasy. I’m particularly fond of history from the early 20th century, since I feel I missed a lot of that in school (and that’s another post altogether). Every now and then I need to throw in a good southern novel because, after all, some day I’ll write one of those myself. Second, reading makes me a better writer.

So, I could tell you more, but I have pages to turn.

BonhoefferBooksDonaldsonReadingWriting and Business