Yes, I Really Am That Old School

I got my Daytimer refill for next year. Since I’m switching formats again, I’ve already put it in my Folio notebook.

Yes, I still use a paper calendar. No matter how many electronic devices I have or how many calendar options, I have found no more effective means of keeping up with my schedule than to write it down.

Then of course there’s extra space for notes and doodles. Something I’m doing all the time.

Sure, I keep an Evernote file open during the day. And I make calendar notes in my Google calendar both on the PC and the Droid. But you can’t scribble on those.

And having something of an artistic streak, there’s always a good selection of pens on hand.

Maybe it’s an age thing. Maybe it’s a piece of comfort from days gone by that I’m just not ready to let go of.

Old school or not, it works for me.
