It looks…better…

Today was the first Saturday in a long time that I woke up with no agenda.  Oh, plenty to do, but nowhere that I had to be, or nothing specifically that I had to get done.

So I spent the afternoon doing much needed yard work.  Through last weekend Saturdays were tied up with rehearsals and performances of The Master’s Plan.  Prior to that they were tied up with…winter.

Like I talked about last week, the reclamation of the yard is going to take a while.  So, even though I kept seeing things today that need to be done, I stayed on target with my list for today.

I cleaned out one bed, cleaned out the square foot garden (yes I know I’m late), cleaned off the deck, repotted some outdoor plants and fed the birds.  Not bad for an afternoon.  And, in the midst of it a neighbor came to help me take down the remainder of a fallen limb (see also the post from last week and how you can send me PayPay if you’d like to pay for the tree service).

So the bed in the picture looks much better than it did.  Maybe this year the lilac will bloom and the hydrangea will actually take off.  We can hope.

For now, I need to make my next to do list.

GardeningYard Work