Are We Heading to Year Round School In Virginia?

From Lynn at Virginia Virtucon:

Some people love it … others hate it. One thing is for sure … it certainly livens up a conversation when folks bring up year-round schools, and today news was received from sponsor Valley Del. Steve Landes’ office (R-25th House District) that HB 2076 had passed both legislative bodies in Richmond:

via Congratulations, Virginia? Year-round schools a step closer to reality « Virginia Virtucon.

I haven’t made up my mind how I feel about this.  On the surface, I just don’t like it.  Maybe that’s because I’m not overly fond of change.  But I know as a child I was quite fond of summer vacation.

Maybe it’s just a matter of adjustment.

But I have to wonder if the tourism industry that fought for, and maintains for the most part, the “King’s Dominion Law” that says school systems may not begin class before Labor Day would support this bill.  I mean it may be all fine and dandy for the kids to get an extra three weeks off in the dead of winter.  But they won’t be dashing out to ride the Rebel Yell.

Still, at this point it’s just a study.  And I suppose it doesn’t hurt anything to at least consider the idea.

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