What Color Is Truth?

I am working on yet another project from my 365 Things I Believe blog.  It’s a year long project where I post either an original thought or a quote that I believe to be a simple truth.  I’m compiling the posts into a book that I hope to offer sometime late this summer.  Of course that’s plenty of time to order it for your Christmas shopping.

But, I’m doing this on my own.  It’s a print on demand project and I’m doing the design. 

I’ve been looking around trying to find the trendy marketing colors for the year.  It’s easy enough to find them in fashion and interior design.  But what about advertising?

I mean, yes, I know that according to Pantone, Honeysuckle is the color of the year.  It’s also pink.  I just don’t see truth being pink.

So, I ask, what color is truth?
