The Fact-less Lance Star takes a swing at George Allen

And misses by a mile.

Look, we all know that the Fredericksburg Freelance Star is another arm of the next Democratic campaign to come along, but they could at least pretend to base their bias in fact.

Today they write about George Allen’s call for an American comeback:

These are all very nice thoughts in a daydreamy sort of way. But what voters need is specific language as to what might truly lift the nation from the “bloated, debt-ridden, intrusive government” he describes. How about a well-described path to entitlement reform and a GOP-fostered program that mixes spending cuts and judicious tax increases? Action on this front might actually loosen the gridlock inside the Beltway.

No facts from Allen? Apparently the Freelance Star missed the fact that George Allen rolled out his Blueprint for America’s Comeback last June.

But worse than that, they must not even read their own paper:

I believe that we need to be focused on making America competitive again. That’s why I want to reduce taxes on job-creating businesses from 35 percent–the second highest in the world–down to a competitive 20 percent. That would help create 500,000 new jobs every year–that’s 5 million new jobs in 10 years.

Second, by tearing down America’s self-imposed barriers to energy production, we have the potential to create more than 1.2 million good-paying jobs and generate $2.1 trillion in new revenue without raising taxes, while providing American families and businesses with more affordable energy and keeping our money here in the U.S.

George Allen in the Fredericksburg Freelance Star, December 4, 2011

I suppose though, you can’t blame the editors at the Freelance Star for not reading their own paper.

We certainly don’t.

But maybe, if they really are looking for some concrete suggestions, they could read some of the other newspapers in the state.

Richmond Times Dispatch: It’s time for America to make a grand comeback

Daily Caller: Taxing America Out of Competition

Washington Times: Obamacare Stalls American Economic Engine

Loudoun Times-Mirror: A Pro-Growth Plan for America’s Comeback

There’s more, but we really don’t expect the FLS to read them either. They’d rather jump to their own conclusions.

But such blind partisanship in an “editorial” should carry a disclaimer.

And show up on Kaine’s list of in-kind contributions.

2 pings

  1. […] The Write Side of My Brain blog bluntly pointed out, “… such blind partisanship in an ‘editorial’ should carry a disclaimer. And show up on Kaine’s list of in-kind contributions.” […]

  2. […] The Write Side of My Brain blog bluntly pointed out, “… such blind partisanship in an ‘editorial’ should carry a disclaimer. And show up on Kaine’s list of in-kind contributions.” […]

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